Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I never really know what to put for a title you know but shhh its a secret...

Right then, need to update this thing. Even if there is nothing to write about. *Note to self: do something interesting soon, so I can write about it later on the internet.*

What has been happening lately then? Well, erm 6th finished so w00t for that. All thats standing between me and summer now is a 15 day long exam period, and before that starts I get to revise, or at the very least seriously contemplate revising. I am rather good at contemplating things. Just a shame that actually doing them is a different matter. :-
Since I am far too lazy to structure things in any coherent manner, here is a nice oredered list of completely unrealted things that have either happened to me lately, or I have been pondering:

1) Just because half of my MSN list listens to them reguarly, it does not make Greenday a good band. :-p

2) I discovered what is perhaps the single most annoying thing in the world ever the other day, which is discovering you are not in a possesion of a corkscrew, and yep you've guessed it, all the wine you got is all bloody well corked. At least I managed to sort this out today. ^_^

3) There is no number 3. Move along please.

4) I have become addicted to playing Timesplitters: Future Perfect online. I know what I'm going to be doing this summer instead of sleeping. If anyone reads this, owns this games and has an interwebbed PS2, then my handle is MevilWeevil1. Yes, its a crap name, but that is inconsequential when I am in your base killing your doods.

5) I better shut the window now before any moths get in. Nasty little buggers.

6) Frank Zappa - Can't stop listening to his stuff. This man is a bloody genius, and I must have more of his albums. More I tell you, MORE!

And that is about the extent of what has been happening lately. I'd love to stay longer and tell you more, but the truth is there really isn't any more to say.

Until next time o' reader of blogs. I always hate saying goodbye, so I think I'll just say hello instead. Hello. :-)

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