Sunday, January 08, 2006

Currently: Surrounded by purple

As I type this I am sitting on the floor of somebody elses room with a laptop that I rather cunningly grabbed whilst they were occupied in looking the other way, so as such my time is limited and I must keep this brief before my hiding place underneath their desk is discovered, and bad and terrible things hapen to me.*

I have been instructed to comment on how crap my day has been thus far, which is proving to be a rather tricky task to accomplish since it's been good so far, so hah, you're plans have been thwarted. :-p Also, when you read this I would just like to say that you're snake is looking at me in the mirror and it is scaring me. It has a mad glint in it's eyes, should I be worried? :-
Today is also my last day in Hastings for the holidays, awhich of course means that tomorrow I will be able to endure the horrors of a train journey to Aberystwyth, which is never a truly enjoyable experience. Of course it is made nicer in the knowledge that once I do get back to Wales there is a pub built onto the train station. \o/

Was nice seeing everyone over the holidays, next time I'll update I'll be in Wales, so I'll see you there.

*Remember kids; theft of property is very rarely ever a sensible thing to do. Unless of course you are a socialist in which case owensership of private property is theft. But of course I'm not so mean to take something without asking first. The fact they said "no" is neither here nor there.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Happy New Year

As the more astute may have noticed, a new year has now sluggishly descended upon us like a really bad hangover*, which incidentally is the way that most people choose greet the advancement of this particular unit of time following on from their antics of the previous night which tend to be variations on the theme of getting absolutely rotten drunk and slurring along out of tune to Auld Lang Syne, which would cause any more respectable, sober people nearby to groan if indeed more respectable, sober people actually existed on New Years Eve.

Once the majority of the country has managed to >TAKE BEUFFERED ANALGESIC, and the room has stopped spinning uncontrollably and we are all able to keep our stomach contents on our inside, then people tend to turn to one of the more popular traditions surrounding New Years, which is that of writing out lists of anything and everything that could possibly be done in an effort to somehow ensure that life this coming year will somehow be more fufilling, or at the very least more bearable, than it was last year. I am, of course, talking about that time honored institution known as New Years Resolutions.

By their nature, all new year resolutions will be impossible to keep which raises the question why so many people bother making them in the first place, but allow me to assure you all that this is ok, because everybody else is doing it, and if everyone else is doing something, then it must be ok. In addition, New Years Resolutions as a rule are uninventive and as cliched as you could possibly get without seriously doing damage to the nature of space time. So, in an effort to do something different, whilst at the same time conforming to what everybody else is doing, I would like to present you with my list of resolutions for 2006.

My 2006 New Year Resolutions

  1. Loose weight. Because it isn't a proper set of New Years Resolutions if you don't include this somewhere on it at least once.
  2. Put on weight. Because assuming that I am somehow successfull with resolution 1, then I would be left dangerously underweight.
  3. Drink more. If people make resolutions in order to make their life a better one, then refusing themselves things that they enjoy seems a rather funny way of going about it to me. I intend to increase my alcohol consumption, as not only will this make my life a happier one, but it will also be one resolution I'll actually be able to keep.
  4. Practice playing guitar more and become a famous international rock star. Because every list of resolutions needs to have something so utterly overblown and ambitious that it will be impossible to achieve barring a miracle.
  5. Start a new hobby. Because hobbies are meant to enrich our lives, aren't they? Personally, I've always wanted to try my hand at extreme origami (like normal origami, except it is performed whilst jumping out of a plane).
And there we have it, a complete set of New Years Resolutions that could compete with the best of them. Naturally I intend to forget about all of these before January is out, but that isn't a problem since once February gets here I will befocusingg most of my efforts on feeling bitter towards valentines day and being cynical about that instead.

* You may have also noticed that I am in fact 5 days late in realising this fact. I would like to counter this by invoking the ancient rite of STFU. ¬_¬