Saturday, March 05, 2005

#Everyone loves, half-arsed blog posts, 'cause the tricks that they do are... erm, well not terribly clever at all really#

Yes, once again it's a post consisting of nothing more than the result I got from one of those internet survey things, you know the ones that go "what kitchen utensil best represents your life?". Today it was "what family guy character are you?" though. Shame really, because I've always wondered about kitchen utensils, but alas I guess we shall never find out. Until someone makes a quiz for them of course. There probabaly is one somewhere, come to think of it. Anyway, on with the pictures.

Which Family Guy character are you?

Shame really, I wanted to be the dog. In fact I don't even know who the hell this one is, it's been ages since I've seen Family Guy.

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