Saturday, April 09, 2005

Long Time No Post

Not much to say really. Sometimes I wonder why I bother having a blog, it's not as if anything particuarly amazing happens to me anyway.

So what have I been upto? I've rediscovered Monty Python addiciton, I've been amazed that I've had the same set of strings on my guitar for a year now, I completed Timesplitters 3, I b0rked my Linux box by trying to put Ubuntu on it for a third time. I can't be bothered to re-install Mandrake because it so absoloute shit. I want to put Gentoo on, but I'm only half way through the installation guide, and I don't have a lot of time on my hands to mess around with compiling stuff at the moment, so I'm running on a Live distro atm, Damn Small Linux. It's Debian/Knoppix based, rather handy, Google for it. Perhaps once coursework is out of the way I might spend some time compiling Gentoo. 6th form starts again on Monday, I have mixed feeling abou it. In the end I think I', looking forward to going back, holidays can get boring after a while. Noted the other day that its 3 months until I'm 18. I intend to remain sober throughout the whole thing, just to spite people. :-p

Still havent re-taken my driving test. Will be at the end of this month I think. Perhaps then I'll finally get my liscence and will be able to drive places and do stuff.

In geek news, MSN 7 was finally moved out of BETA. They fixed the large amount of resources it took up, but have added even more crap to it. The only thing I like about it is the "what I'm listening to feature". It means I can see what everyone is listening to, and feel all smug inside because my music taste is superior to theirs. Sadly, this feature is not enough to get me to dotch Trillian. In fact I don't anything can manage that, with the possible esception of Gaim which is nice becasue its Open Source. And as we all know Open Source is always the best. :-p

Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy should be out on the 29th apparently. Looking forward to seeing this. I love the books, and since Douglas Adams wrote the film it should be good and not some piss poor adaptation. My only concern is it will go the same way as The Lord Of The Rings. I liked those films, don't get me wrong, but it was somewhat frustrarting for me because all of a sudden LOTR had became popular and cool. People were watching the films without reading the books. Everywhere you went people were talking about it. LOTR was no longer somthing you discussed in darkened rooms with other nerds and tried to show off how much elvish you knew. Still, as I said the films were enjoyable so I guess its a small price to pay. :-p

Well, I don't really have much else to say. If by some chance you are reading this, then be sure to stay tuned for future updates. Who knows what fun will be contained in those? Not me, thats for sure.


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