Saturday, November 12, 2005

Not to rewrite History?

US President George W Bush has said too much is at stake in Iraq for politicians to make "false charges" about the reasons for going to war.
Amid new questions in Congress about the intelligence used to justify the invasion, he said it was "irresponsible to rewrite history".
Mr Bush said he was open to criticism for his policies but it was "deeply irresponsible to rewrite the history of how the war began".

So there you have it. According to Mr Bush, it is now "irresponsible" to rewrite History. I was foolishly under the impression that one of the features of History was the ability to challenge what has been said before - not everyone might not agree with what you say, but then no-one ever will when you deal with History. He who controls the present controls the past, indeed.

Under Bush's logic, however, my degree would be a hell of a lot more easier since I would only be required to regurtitate what I am told happened rather than developing my own conclusions.

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