I am such a rebel
Yesterday when I was out shopping, I went and payed at the "10 items or less" till, when I had 11 items.
I really am such a rebel.
The Aladdin's Cave was a place of myth and legend, purported to have contained numerous and varied treasures of wonder. These days it contains all of the things that happen in my life, and some of the things that don't. Funny how things are never as good as they used to be...
Yesterday when I was out shopping, I went and payed at the "10 items or less" till, when I had 11 items.
I really am such a rebel.
OMG Gary you have change so much. You used to be so sweet and innocent. Wot the hell happened to you? LOL! H
Since when did I used to be sweet and inncocent anyhoo? :-p
But yeah, I'm into the heavy stuff now. Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll and all that jazz.
i did that once at tesco and the cashier stopped processing the items and told me off :|
it was tesco's fault anyway, i only went in for cheese. all their psychological manipulation making my choose 10 extra items i didn't need :(
Yeah, I find Tesco are good at making you buy more than you want. My shopping bill always seems to be about £10 more than it should be...
Personally, I reccomend Sainsbury's. They appear to be quite lax at detecting people attempting to take more than 10 items through the checkout.
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