Friday, September 23, 2005

My room is stripped bare, all I have in here now is a laptop and a router

So, in 2 hours time I will be leaving to go to university. Yes that's right - I'm leaving at midnight, which is pretty much neccesary since I was the one who choose to goto university so far away, and on a good, straight, flat out, no stops run we might make the journey in about 7 hours. Of course, you then have to take into account other road users (the only purpose of which are to get in your way and slow you down), getting lost (which will invariably happen at least once - it's the unwriteen law of the road) and of course not to mention numerous stop-offs at motorway services for strong cups of coffee in a bid to keep the driver awake long enough to get us to our destination. So with all that taken into consideration, I'll be lucky if I get to Aberystwyth at about 9am, which is rather conveniently when the unversity opens.

If I said that I am feeling a little nervous right now, then that would be a great big lie. I am in fact bloody petrified, and I have never ever felt like this in my whole life, ever. Thankfully, one way or another, and whether it is good or bad, all this waiting around will finally be over within the next 24 hours, and I predect that I'll either be in a dark and smoke filled pub somewhere, or, and this is more likely, I'll be in my room playing my PS2 and generally being miserable that it will be another 2 days at least before I will have internet access.

Anyway, I am off now to generally mope about and be all nervous and all that jazz. See you all later.

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