Woo and a yay and another woo with some more yay. Did I mention woo and yay?
Well, there's been a lot happening recently, but I haven't gotten round to updating so you can read about it all at once.
Our story starts approximately exactly 3 days ago. The location - London, the event - an all day A-Level politics revision conference, method of transport - South Eastern Trains. I'll be brutally honest, it wasn't terribly exciting. It was about as exciting as a terribly un-exciting thing doing something monumentally not very exciting, whilst not very exciting people watched and said not very exciting things about their not very exciting performance. However, it was well worth it which is what counts. Lunch was fun also, where I partook in one of my favorite hobbies - the consumption of edible foodstuffs.
Yesterday, things got more fun. MUN had come around again, which is really odd considering it still feels like last year's MUN was only last month. I can only conclude that Time has decided to speed itself up, but for what motive I am currently unaware. This year I was representing India; I had originally wanted Japan but sadly this wasn't to be. The whole day was pretty fun, admittedly a little boring in parts but this was soon alieved by the passing of humorous notes, in particular the notes passed to non-existent countries. Now at this point, anyone who is not familiar with MUN will be looking (well not literally, at least I hope not anyway) at me with a rather quizzical look, possibly with their left eyebrow raised as if they were saying to me "Like, omfg wtf??". Well I shall attempt to clear up any confusion. Or not, as the case may be. MUN stands for "Model United Nations", and what we do is sit around all day and discuss stuff and generally don't really do all that much in particular. Exactly like the real UN, you see? Anyway as I said it was all jolly good fun, especially the disco. I even danced sober for the like the first time in ever (well the first time since that last time anyway). My only regret is that I didn't start going to these things earlier, since I won't be able to do anymore after this year. Ah well.
Today I got some very good news. News so good that it makes all other so-called good news look like not very good news at all. Back in February I sat some scholarship exams for Aberystwyth, and today I got the result in the post. Didn't get a scholarship, but I did get a Merit award! More importantly this means I now have an unconditional offer. To put it mildly, I am rather pleased, and have decided that in celebration I shall tilt my chair and look rather pleased with myself. Then maybe go out and get drunk in celebration.
Still to come is my driving test on Monday. I'll let you know how it went when it happens.
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