Tuesday, March 29, 2005

\o/ Linux \o/

Recently I have been playing around with Linux. I had an old PC that wasn't being used (Pentium 3, 196Mb RAM, 6GB HDD and the almighty Voodoo 2 *cough*), so nothing too special, but it's been running Mandrake 10.0 nicely since before Christmas now.

Went into town earlier today to pick up some stuff, got Timesplitters: Future Perfect (which I have yet to play), and a network card for my Linux box. Yep, I'm posting this from my Linux computer! The installation itself was painfully easy. It was literally a case of opening up the comp, putting the card in, closing it up and turning it on. Linux detected it straight away, asked me a few questions and loaded the appropriate modules. Then all i did was log into my user account, fire up Mozilla, and I was browsing the interweb! Never has the front page of Google lookes so sweet than from Linux. I've now picked up Mozilla Firefox 1.0.2, and the latest release of Gaim, both of which were very easy to install using the GUI. I will tell any of you now, if someone tells you that Linux is complicated - do not listen to them. It is in fact frightfully simple, once you get to grip with the basics.

As fun as all this is however, it still doesn't change the fact that I'm bloody starving. I'm going now to scare me up some pizza.


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