Tuesday, August 24, 2004

First Post

Okay I've just spent the last half an hour trying to get my blog working, and after going through several URL's that were wither taken or caused the blog to cock up for some unknown reason, I think I've finally got everything sorted.

So now here we are, first post in my shiny brand new blog, and the first time I've ever bothered to record anything of my life. Why a blog? Well truth be told it is just over halfway through summer, and although sleeping until 1pm and doing pretty much nothing all day may sound pretty fun, its gets boring after a while, so I need something to do. And when I get bored and having nothing else to do, then I do pointless things like make websites that nobody wants to read, and now make blogs that nobody wants to read. Go me.

As I'm new to this game I have absolutely no idea what to put in this thing, so until I come up with something that you will be interested in reading, then this will have to do.

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