Friday, March 30, 2007

"Things will be different."

Last night, Rockstar released the first preview trailer ( of the next instalment in the Grand Theft Auto franchise; GTA IV. I was in the pub at the time (more about that at a later point) but I've just watched it this morning and it is simply stunning.

It appears to be set in what looks like a complete reworking of Liberty City, as GTA III did to the original GTA's version of the city, but this time is a much more realistic recreation of the city, with several landmarks from the city it is parodying (New York) present.

Working on the assumption that the guy talking during the trailer is either the main character of at least features prominently, it would also appear that you'll play a Russian or at least someone connected with the Russian Mafia.

Oh, and did I mention that the graphics look lush? According to my trusty friend Wikipedia, the shots in the trailer were taken from in-game from it actually running on a console. The prospect of being given free run of an entire city (or perhaps even more, if they do something similar to San Andreas) which looks almost life-like leaves me wanting to get hold of this game now. Looks like I've got until October to get a PS3, then.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Essays done. \o/

Another term of another semester is coming to a close. And what have I learnt? Mainly that my time management skills are still in a serious need of an overhaul given my tendency to constantly hand essays in one day late. But then my marks are being high enough to still get me Firsts, despite the late mark penalty. All in all, I guess I cannot complain.

Essays are all done and handed in (finally), and I've celebrated in the only fashion which I know how. And shall most likely do so tomorrow as well.

Well that's all I have to say. I may well have not bothered, but then I wanted to write something to fool you all into thinking I had something important, useful or at the very least amusing to say. Sadly, I do not.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Photos from the other day.

The top of Constitution Hill offers a nice view of Aberystwyth town centre, and as such there have been many people who have duly trudged up its slopes to take pretty much the exact same shot. And throwing originality out of the window, I've decided to join them. Apologies for the less than perfect quality; they were taken on my digital camera, which I never intended to use for much more than capturing embarrassing pictures of people in the pub. When the weather gets a bit better, I'll put my film SLR to better use. Promise. Look, I even created a Flickr account to make sure I do. (Click the pictures to see the bigger sizes on there).


The Old College

Nothing amazing, but a good opportunity for me to show those of you who have not seen Aberystwyth yet how much nicer my town is than yours. :-P

Saturday, March 24, 2007

I'll be brutally honest. I really cannot be motivated enough to think of an amusing title for this.

Hello again. Thought I'd fire up the ol' blogger again, this being mainly borne out of boredom and more caffeine in me than is generally considered healthy.

Lots of things have been happening in my life recently, such as... no, I'm sorry. I really am, but I just can't keep this façade up. Between reading about the political life of 19th Century Parisian workers and playing Final Fantasy XII, my life will appear to the observer to be about as interesting as watching paint dry. Not for me though; Final Fantasy XII is an incredibly awesome game. I'll spare you the minutiae of why this is the case, but all I need to say is that if this game were a person I'd be marrying it.

St. Patrick's Day happened again. I think I managed to top last years (which you can read about here: seeing how I managed to somehow end up sitting in someone's basement until 6am drinking gin and playing guitar in what I can only reasonably describe as some form of hippy-beatnik jam session.

I got a first on one of my essays (which, as it's name suggests, is the highest mark you can get) the other day. I am particularly pleased about this because I managed to get the first even with 5 marks having been deducted from it for being a day late. My lecturer told me he didn't agree with my argument, but since it was none-the-less well informed and well argued, it was a good essay. That's been a bit of a confidence boost, and a well needed at that, given that lots of work has suddenly piled up on me like a vicious army of words and books.

This has been a good weekend so far. Friday night... well, my memory is none too good on that one, but I can only assume it was an awesome night. Today has been spent walking up Constitution Hill*... and then back down again. The evening has been spent at the cinema watching The Number 23, a ridiculously preposterous film where Jim Carrey plays a guy who becomes obsessed with the number 23 when he realises everything can be traced back to this number, no matter how obscure or wild the link. I thought it was an okay film, but could be greatly improved with one slight modification; the actual number 23 running around and killing people. Or just some guy in a foam costume shaped like the number 23. Something like that. It would make the film far more amusing to watch.

I'm still feeling in that in between state of alertness and tiredness. Remember kids; caffeine is the high you cannot sleep off - don't do it! Me? I'm off to prevent impending war. Mmm, Final Fantasy...

* A big hill located at the northern end of Aberystwyth seafront. Presumably a popular location for students and tourists, they thankfully had the foresight enough to ensure the café is also licensed to sell alcohol to prevent a riot breaking out when people realise they have, in actual fact, just climbed a hill where there is nothing on top. **

** Barring, of course, a game entitled 'Frizbee Golf'. I am unsure as to how this is played, but I have several theories, each of which conjures of humorous images.