Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I wish I had a keyblade. *Sigh*

I am going to talk, or rather type, very slowly. But since you will probably be reading this faster than I can type it or even think it in my own head, then I imlpore you to read it slower than you normally would to avoid creating some sort of time paradox.

That made a lot more sense in my head than it probably does to anyone else, and I can tell you why I am making even less sense than usual (and that's saying something), and what's more, I can tell you in two words: Kingdom Hearts II.

Oh shit, that was technically 3 words, oh well no time to move finger over to delete key, need to carry on...

This game is, for want of any other word, amazing. I can't really say it's any better than the first, but I can't say it's any worse either. The standard of both of them is one of the highest I have ever seen in a computer game; the story is one of the most engrossing I have come across. I know it's been out for a while now, but I choose to put off getting it until Christmas in order that it wouldn't interfere with my work whilst I was at university and judging by the fact I have been pretty much glued to it non stop since opening it on Christmas Day, I would say that was a rather sound call...

However, as we hardened gamers know, it is advisable to take a break every so often from playing a game, although we very rarely do. This has been one of those rare occasions where I have actually adhered to this guidance which is usually printed in small letters at the start of game instruction manuals, although the fact that I choose to spend my break periods playing Guitar Hero II instead perhaps renders the whole point a bit, err, pointless.

So in conclusion, Christmas has been pretty good thus far. I'm mainly being fuelled by pringles and ginger ale and am having difficulty distinguishing from the real and virtual worlds. But then isn't this what living is all about?

Not really, but then, uh, err, I forget where I was going with this thing.

I think I had best go lie down for a bit...

And then play some more Kingdom Hearts II.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Is the microphone on?

Looks like it's time, yet again, to ressurect this thing and actually use it for something. Anything. I really have no for what purpose, but that's okay because, as everybody knows, all internet bloggers really do is just try to find justification for an online glorification of their own egotistical bents. And thus Aladdin's Cave shall live again, just like it never really did before. I would question why I keep letting it die, but then given that it's readership was most likely made up of about 10 people and a cat (now sadly departed), one could question whether it was truly alive to begin with.

Right yes, so anyway. Blog. Blogging. Bloggers. Bolognase. What's it all about then? Well the last one is a kind of Italian pasta sauce thing but I am fairly sure, and have it on reasonably competant authority, that all of the others have very little to do with pasta or sauces, Italian or otherwise. Unless it was a blog about pasta sauce, or written by an Italian. However, I am not myself Italian and must confess that my knowlege of pasta sauce is sadly lacking, so I shall end this wild digression now.

What's been happening in the world of me lately? Well the second year of university started, which has been progressing as one might expect. Lots of work and lots of parties, and so on. I've learnt why people despise landlords so much and now dread that certain time of the month when the bills arrive on my doorstep. Seriosuly, bill day is like the male equivalent of a period. It generally puts me in a bad mood anyway, which I refuse to snap out of until I have gorged myself upon pringles (I'm not really much of a chocolate fan).*

I've moved to Wales, or rather my parents have. Wales is as you might expect - hilly, windy and wet. And yes, there are lots of sheep here. I can even see them from my bedroom window, or at least I could if it were light outside. It's quite nice here though and the weather doesn't bother me that much anymore since I've grown quite accustomed to it having lived in Aberystwyth the past year and a bit. I want to learn some Welsh now, I've always wanted to speak a second language, so I thought I'd learn one which will be useful should I go to the local village, but completely worthless anywhere else in the world. Which is probably why it appeals to me so much, I like things like that. And besides, it will be a lot more worthwhile than that time I spent a whole summer learning how to read and write in Quenya and Sindarin.** Wales is nice, although I miss being able to see my friends in Hastings though, there isn't much to do here other than lay on the bed all day watching endless episodes of Dr. Who. Although Chirstmas is a nice thing to keep me occupied. Lots of shiny bits of paper and tasty food to eat. I love Christmas.

Apparently the next Harry Potter book is going to be called 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'. I know this because the BBC deemed it to be suitable front page material. Don't worry about all the stuff going on around the world guys, it pales in significance to this. I even think all those people in the world dieing of starvation may even be cheered by this good news. I guess I should not be to harsh, I don't really have a leg to stand on*** since I have read all of the books so far. Although I must confess I may not always have been paying attention. The books need less of the silly relationship going-ons and more action. Like fighting, dragons****, people getting asploded by big spells and the like. Moar swords too. I'm reading a book called 'The Coming of the King'***** by Nikolai Tolstoy currently. It's to do with the Authurian legends and stuff, but is quite heavy going. Lots of Welsh words, for instance. It's a good book though as far as I can tell.

I've probably gone on for long enough now. Most likely far too long considering I just strung out a random stream of thoughts for 5 paragraphs. But then that's what you get with this place. I hope you all take care. Dress warmly - it's cold out there. If I don't update in time, then have a great Christmas and new years. Nadolig Llawen a blwyddyn newydd dda****** and all that jazz.

Until next time. :-)
* Chocolate flavoured pringles? The prospect intrigues me...
** The two elven alphabets out of The Lord of the Rings, for the uninitiated.
*** Metaphorically speaking, of course. In reality I have two legs to stand on.
**** And they definately should have cast Trogdor as one of the dragons in the last film. TROOOOOGDOOOOOOOOR!
***** "In the fire, the king will come / thunder rolls, piper and drum / evil sons, overrun / count the sins, judgement comes." I always think of Wishbone Ash when I read the books title. Wishbone Ash rock.
****** I learnt that one of a Christmas card.