Exams Finished
Had my last exam (about the society and economy in France during the nineteenth century) this morning, which means that all of this exam tomfoolery is over for another year at least. Don't think I've done too badly on the exams this semster, the 2 out of 3 essays I've had back so far (I still haven't got one of them because of this ongoing AUT strike business) have been at 2:1, and my modules from last semsester were at a 2:1 avergae so fingers crossed it'll work out okay. I only need enough to pass the first year anyway, which is 40% in each module, since the first year doesn't count towards to final degree mark, so it's all good. :-)
Now all I've got left to do is packing, and then this weekend moving some of my stuff into our house for next year for storage and then travelling back home. Some people have begun to start leaving already though, so the place is getting emptier and more quiet by the day. It's quite sad really, since I won't be living in halls again so I'll miss there being loads of people around. Although that being said, the idea of living in a house with our own living room and a washing machine, amongst other things, sounds pretty damn cool. Mostly I just can't quite believe that I've spent a year at university already, I'm still trying to work out exactly where the time went. Although I have a thoery that the reason I can't remember much of the last year is because I spent a large proportion of it drunk. Ah, that's univeristy life for you. :-)