Went to a party last night. It was good, even if the last hour or so is a little hazy, owing to my absolute stubborness, "I'm NOT going to waste this, so will therefore drink it anyway despite the consequences". Suffice to say, I woke up this morning feeling terrible.
I hate you Mr. S Jack.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Friday, July 08, 2005
Which piece of cutlery is the stabbbing one?
Just got back from my prom, and after tonight I can conclude that it wasnt as bad as I thought it was going to be. The prosect of having to dress up and go somewhere posh didnt appeal all that much to me, so was feeling a little apprehensive earlier this evening. However after getting over the initial bouts of confusion regarding what items of cutlery are used for what (what one is the stabbing knife again?), I forgot my origianl apprehensions about it, and had a really good time.
In conclusion, prom = good.
Oh, and there were lots of pictures taken too. They're not getting posted on here though. :-p
Thursday, July 07, 2005
18? Mature? Yeah, you'll be lucky...
Well today has been a very good day indeed. I turned 18, spent a good portion of the day fiddling about and tinkering with my new lappy (which is very sexy I might add). Didn't get upto a whole lot, went out for a meal in the evening, but all in all a nice relaxing day. Managed to get some stuff of my chest too, which is always a good thing. :-)
Am absolutely knackered though now, especially considering I only got about 6 hours of sleep last night. I attribute this to the fact that Harry Potter was keeping me up (plus I couldn't sleep). No rest for me though, got my prom tomorrow, and then another party on Saturday. All good fun though, and at least I can't complain of boredom now.
Took the car driving for the first time without L plates (which I cut up as soon as I passed) today. Is quite a nice feeling knowing that everyone else on the road doesnt hold you with quite so much contempt.
Mmm, I think I'm discovering Genesis. First time I heard them today, but some of their stuff isn't bad. Been wanting a new band to listen to for a while now!
Well I cant think of anymore to say. If the spelling here is crap, then I blame it on the fact that I'm still gettinbg used to typing with a laptop keyboard.
Goodnight. :-)
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Well it looks as if this is going to turn into another of those sleepless nights. I've always found it quite infuriating that the only time my brain seems to want to start thinking about things is when I am trying to get to sleep. I'm conviced it does it just to annoy me. Silly brain. What thoughts have been keeping me awake? Well thats confidential information, I'm afraid. Dont know why you're looking at me like that, I do keep some secrets from the interweb, you know.
Anyway, happier news. Today I passed my driving test. Was the 4th time I've taken it, so as I say, its about bloody time I passed too! I'm pretty pleased with this, even if I'm not going to be getting a car now since I'm going to University sooner than expected.
I have finally given into the dark side and have started reading Harry Potter. Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later really, despite all the stuff that I originally said about it. I am indeed most shocked by these books, for Ms Rowling is nothing but pure filth! Honestly, I really dont want to know what the three of them were getting upto in that toilet cubicle!
I'd best go do something more usefull than waffle on here for ages. I've got a story that I'm trying to write, and failing quite miserably I might add. I need some sort of plot hook. Maybe if I inroduced lasers into it somehow....