Tomorrow I have the last of my A2 exams. It is UK and US comparitive politics, for those who are interested. I haven't prepared much for it, which is just the way I like it since I always do better when I don't do any revision. Plus, an unconditional offer at University helps too. :-)
Tomorrow also marks the last time I'll be going to the place where my 6th form is. The 6th form is actually part of a school too, so I have in reality been studying at the same place since I started year 7 there in 1998. On one hand it seems as if the past 7 years have passed quickly, but then conversly I feel as if I don't know what its like having a life of not being there. I'm not sure what my feelings are on the matter of leaving - the past two years in 6th form have been excellent, I've made some good friends and have had a good time there for the most part. However the 5 years that preceeded 6th form were, naturally, quite rubbish, although there are some memories from the place that will stick with me forever. Just as soon as I remember what those memories are, of course.
It will be odd leaving there, but I doubt very much that I'll get much time to ponder this as I shall be starting university in September - am going to Aberystwyth which the more astute of you may have noticed is in Wales, and seems to be pretty much in the middle of nowhere, which is why I love the place. It's nice and small, which is how I like my towns. I'm strangely confident about starting, but there is a small invoice inside me somewhere that is saying to me that I should be absolutely petrified by now. It's a good thing I have chosen to completely ignore this voice. Starting universty will most likely be a traumatic affiar, but I fully intend it to be a good one.
My 18th birthday is looming next week. I intend to celebrate this as per my style, by remaining steadfastly sober throughout the whole thing. I would say how pointless it is in conforming to things, but then I would in fact be conforming to those who say it is useless to conform, so I'll stop now before I go cross-eyed.
I've forgotten what my original point in this post was, and it appears to have devolved into a stream of quite uninteresting drivel. However, fear not, for I intend to treat all of my loyal readers with some far more interesting posts this summer - namely some of my works of fiction that I plan on posting. Personally I would suggest running away right about now.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Thursday, June 16, 2005
What do I taste like?
Greetings readers of blogs!
Now I know you all lead very busy lives, but I bet at some point you have all wondered what I tatse like? Well you no longer have to loose sleep pondering this fact, for I found a website that could tell me exactly what flavour I was, via a series of complex scientific testings. And the results:
I am all sweetness and light; fluffy bunnies and dancing fairies; happiness and joy. Too much of me will make you sick. What Flavour Are You? |
What can I say? ^_^
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Picture your self on a train in a station, with tangerine trees, and marmalade how a well known song by the well known band The Beatles goes. Now I started to ponder the situation that is presented to us in the above line the other day. I decided that marmalade skies would indeed be a benefical addition to our lives, just so long as there was an adequate supply of toast shrubberies. If at this point you do no understand what I am talking about, or think I am insane, then you are most likely the type of person who would ask, "So what is Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds all about anyway?"
Ok, ok, I'll shut up now and post some semi-intelligent stuff about my life.
I've decided I want to go to Uni this year instead of a defered entry, which is what I currently have. The reasons I want this are many fold, foremost amongst them are a desire to move away from the putrid piss-stain of a town that is Hastings. The prospect of cheap bar prices at Aberystwyth has not swayed my decision in anyway. However, I will be greatly saddened to be leaving behind all the lovely wonderful people I know that live where I am now. I may just have to steal them all and keep them in my cupboard at Uni, in order to ease the pain of leaving them. *Note to self: Buy large cupboard, steal people.*
Of course, this all depends on whether or not there are any places available this year...
[Sarcasm mode = On]
Soon I shall be enjoying sitting my A2 exams. What a wonderfully delightful time it shall be. I am sure I will enjoy it muchly, and when it is over I will cry because I will not have any more super mazingly fun exams to do anymore.
[Sarcasm mode = Off]
Summer is just around the corner! Woo, yay, hoopla and other associated exclamations of joy. I am looking forward greatly to summer. It is a happy time where I get to do as little as possible, and sustain myself with nothing but ice lollys. \o/
I am running out of things to say now, so I am sure you will be pleased to discover I will shut up now. Until next time that is.
See you soon, o' faithful of blog readers.
Friday, June 03, 2005
I hate lightning now.
Ok, when I said I wanted something interesting to happen to me, this wasn't quite what I had in mind. Still, it will teach me to keep my big mouth firmly shut in future.
This morning we had some pretty bad weather, and lightning either struck our house or at least very close to it. Close enough to do damage to my computers. So far I've discovered that half of the ports on my router have got fried, along with the phone extension into my room where my computers are kept, an ethernet cable and also the netowrk card on my Windows box. The phone has also been damanged and now emits a beeping noise every couple of seconds, and I haven't even checked whether the network adapter on my PS2 has been affected or not. At the moment I have my Linux box set up in the sitting room next to the phone socket so that I can use the 'net stil. Good thing I have the house to myself this weekend then. Take heed - when lightning is around, unplug phone equipment as it can get buggered very easily.
Can't be bothered to write about anything else at the moment, nothing much of note. Got another driving test on Tuesday, and I've decided that I am going to try and go to University this year instead of taking a gap year. Which means I need to phone Aberystwyth at some point and see if this is doable and if they have any places going spare for this year. Plus there are exams looming, so if anything I can't complain I'll be bored over the next couple of weeks. Roll on summer...
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
I never really know what to put for a title you know but shhh its a secret...
Right then, need to update this thing. Even if there is nothing to write about. *Note to self: do something interesting soon, so I can write about it later on the internet.*
What has been happening lately then? Well, erm 6th finished so w00t for that. All thats standing between me and summer now is a 15 day long exam period, and before that starts I get to revise, or at the very least seriously contemplate revising. I am rather good at contemplating things. Just a shame that actually doing them is a different matter. :-
Since I am far too lazy to structure things in any coherent manner, here is a nice oredered list of completely unrealted things that have either happened to me lately, or I have been pondering:
1) Just because half of my MSN list listens to them reguarly, it does not make Greenday a good band. :-p
2) I discovered what is perhaps the single most annoying thing in the world ever the other day, which is discovering you are not in a possesion of a corkscrew, and yep you've guessed it, all the wine you got is all bloody well corked. At least I managed to sort this out today. ^_^
3) There is no number 3. Move along please.
4) I have become addicted to playing Timesplitters: Future Perfect online. I know what I'm going to be doing this summer instead of sleeping. If anyone reads this, owns this games and has an interwebbed PS2, then my handle is MevilWeevil1. Yes, its a crap name, but that is inconsequential when I am in your base killing your doods.
5) I better shut the window now before any moths get in. Nasty little buggers.
6) Frank Zappa - Can't stop listening to his stuff. This man is a bloody genius, and I must have more of his albums. More I tell you, MORE!
And that is about the extent of what has been happening lately. I'd love to stay longer and tell you more, but the truth is there really isn't any more to say.
Until next time o' reader of blogs. I always hate saying goodbye, so I think I'll just say hello instead. Hello. :-)